In 2007, the position of documentary filmmaker was opened, thus beginning a more systematic approach, i.e. more systematic collection and processing of secondary museum documentation with the aim of establishing secondary documentation funds that did not exist before, but are indispensable in communication support and information on professional operation of the museum.

More systematic and transparent processing of fund units within the S ++ programme has simplified the distribution of visual content to the wider community, while collecting, processing and managing secondary museum documentation of the Museum, as well as taking care of permanent protection of primary and secondary documentation, properly kept inventory books of museum objects and minutes on the revision of museum holdings and documentation have achieved the basic task – the appropriate level of protection of museum holdings through easier and simpler approach.

The advantages of computer-controlled secondary documentation in relation to previous management are multiple – from better and more durable protection to faster and user-friendly use. In the Museum secondary documentation holdings, documentary funds are systematically processed and digitized: Sound Library, Photo Library, Video Library, Media Library, Hemeroteka, Records on exhibitions, Records on pedagogical activity, Records on publishing, and Records of special events. Every four years, as part of the Acquisition exhibition, the Museum, in addition to new museum exhibits, also presents selected units of secondary funds that were collected at that time. These are most often videos used as parts of an exhibition, photographs, newspaper archive, museum editions (films, books, CDs and DVDs) or audio recordings.

Thus, the presentation of a part of the newly purchased and donated museum holdings is also aimed at educating the Museum users about one of the ways of protecting museum holdings, but also about the ways of applying museum funds. The selected secondary holdings were exhibited for the first time in 2010 as part of the exhibition It’s Time to Refresh Your Memory – Acquisitions 2006-2010.